Thursday 19 March 2020

Shopping Bus

Notice from PLB Residents' committee:

Want help with your shopping? 

The Palm Lake Resort Ballina bus will continue to take residents to Woolworths each Wednesday at 7.00am.

The Booking Sheet for the bus trip will be at the Information Desk in the Oasis Club.  Please sign up in advance if you wish to use the bus. Space on the bus will be limited as we must allow for appropriate space between passengers, but it is likely than more than one service will be available.

There is an outside group of people who can help as well;
​HELP! is a collective of volunteers from Ballina (not associated with Palm Lake) dedicated to assisting the elderly and people with chronic medical conditions who are advised to stay at home during the Covid-19 pandemic. 
Their services are all non-contact so that both the recipients and volunteers are kept as safe as possible. Their services include - shopping and delivery; mail collection and Post Office runs; phone chats.
They would love more volunteers as well.

                                                 Check out the "HELP!" website