Monday 13 April 2020

March Fishing News

March 2020 - A very ordinary Month

I'm sure you can guess there is not much to report for March due to some terrible weather earlier and more recently we have all been oscillating in isolation due to the Corona Virus. We didn't even have a whopper week last month although I expect there wouldn't have been much to talk about over a Sunday barbecue.
No matter, at least we have been giving the fish stocks an opportunity to build up before we take them on again when things improve.
Before the restrictions set in a few of us had some limited success fishing in the river alongside the boat ramp by the water slide. In the midst of a lot of undersized bream we managed to take home a couple of Whiting, a couple of Bream and a reasonable sized Flathead. We were using live worms and some nippers that we managed to pump but in our inimitable style the washer in the pump was stuffed so getting the nippers was a real challenge.
We put out four crab traps in Emigrant Creek one night but never caught a sausage! I guess all the fresh in the Creek after the heavy rain had put them off altogether. 

The Good News

Recent announcements have opened the door again for recreational fishing. In New South Wales, police say fishing is permitted, as long as people follow rules about social distancing and gatherings of two or more people.
Asked about fishing on Thursday morning, NSW Police Commissioner Mick Fuller said:
"If fishing is your exercise then you can fish. But if you end up on a wharf with 50 other people, then we get back to safe distancing and getting tickets."
New South Wales Police Minister David Elliot said he intervened to remove fishing from a list of banned activities on Wednesday.
The other point to keep in mind is that you shouldn’t be travelling in your car with more than one person who’s not in your immediate household. This was reported in the ABC News “Corona Virus rules and restrictions explained on Friday 3rd April 2020 under the heading of  “Can I go for a Drive”
So the message is you can take one person fishing but make sure you follow the rules regarding safe distancing and others are not part of your group.
The Relieving Rescue Vessel
By the way I haven't been run over in the rush in my request for applications for a Relieving Rescue Vessel in the absence of Barry and Pam. Fortunately we haven't been out in the SS Vaucluse so we haven't needed rescuing lately.

I thought these cartoons might cheer you up in these very difficult times.


Stay safe and make sure you follow the rules.
Cheers till next Month
Tight Lines Douggie