Friday 22 May 2020

Online Art Exhibition

For the past few years Palm Lake Resort Ballina has hosted an exhibition of art works created by some of our incredibly talented residents. This year, due to the Corona virus, it has not been possible to have an exhibition in the Oasis clubhouse.
Instead we have decided to have a ‘online’ exhibition. This is a wonderful opportunity to see what some of your fellow residents get up to in their spare time – you might be amazed! 
We have featured six artists initially, with more to follow over coming weeks. Check back regularly for updates. 
For more information about the exhibition, or if you are an artist and would like to have your work included, contact Col Legatt Villa 90 or Terry Polwarth Villa 106.

To access the exhibition website click on the link below.

You can also access it by typing in the web address window at the top of your Internet browser