Monday 11 May 2020

Palm Lake Fishing Club Report - April 2020

April 2020 - A much better Month

April has proved the most successful fishing month since the Club was formed some two years ago so we are getting better. Even Tight Lines and the Sinkers have had some moderate success although we are probably better at getting bait than fish. Anyway, we are becoming expert at pumping yabbies for the bream and whiting not to mention our ability to scramble over the rocks collecting cabbage for the blackfish. They haven’t come on properly yet but we will be ready for them when they do.

How is this for Yabbies?

The Blackfish will love this
Ian (Hammerhead) Hannaby is getting the hang of fishing and is as keen as mustard. Every time he passes BCF he calls in and buys something else and he has even gained the honours in some of our little jaunts with the Sinkers.

Our efforts to catch tailor off the beach have been woeful but like the blackfish they should come on soon as the weather gets cooler.

We haven’t been out in the SS Vaucluse for ages but now that Commodore Barry and First Mate Pam have returned from their tripping around we can feel safe that the Fishing Club Rescue Vehicle is there for us again if we get into any trouble.

We were wondering if they might accept the SS Vaucluse as a trade-in on this little number

Fisho’s of the Month

We can’t go past the duo of Col (Patch’s) Lee and his lovely wife Julie (Missus Patch’s) as the Fishos for April. Patch’s and Missus Patch’s have been absolutely firing along Patch’s Beach all the month and never missed a good feed from each outing. I’m reliably told they have been feeding half of Palm Lakes with their results. 

A typical day's catch for the Patch's Duo

Missus Patch's shows how it's done
And here she goes again! 

Finally, if you have the time and are looking for something worthwhile to see this month I suggest you keep your eye on the little beach between the Shawsy Hotel and Missingham Bridge to catch the mullet men in action. They net hundreds of really big mullet each year around this time by dragging a huge net up the beach from the bay.

Hopefully, we may be able to have another Fishing Club Barbecue soon if they lift the restrictions but until then stay safe and make sure you keep some evidence of your catches.

Cheers till next Month

Tight Lines Douggie