Friday 17 July 2020

Key points from an email from the Resort manager

You should have received an email from Rick this week concerning use of the Resort facilities. 
I have summarized the key points below:

A reminder that guests and visitors are only allowed to enter any Resort building/facility, when you, as a resident, are with them.

Non-residents will be asked to leave any facility, where a resident is not with them, by either the Resort staff or other residents.

Due to the ongoing COVID situation please avoid taking guests and visitors to resort facilities as much as possible.

It is ESSENTIAL that  EVERYONE, must sign into and out of a building. This could potentially be a lifesaving thing to do, allowing tracing of people, if a known infected or unknown person uses a building. THIS IS IMPORTANT.

Please ensure you use the sanitiser provided when you enter any Resort building.

Residents are to use the main entrances to buildings and to sign in and out of the building.

If you have guests coming to your villa, please ask them if they are from, or have been to, any of the designated hot spots in NSW or Victoria, or are experiencing any symptoms.  If they answer yes, then they should not visit, or they should obtain a medical clearance before coming. Those simple questions could save yours and many other lives potentially.

Please also inform the office if you have guests staying, so we have that information at hand.

Thank you all for social distancing, and enduring the whole process over the past few months. We still need to stay on course , for all of our sakes.

If you are unsure of anything mentioned today, please feel free to call the office and we will be happy to assist you.
Rick Stewart