Tuesday 21 July 2020

Line dancing classes

Just an update on our Line Dancing classes which are being held 4 times per week in the Oasis Clubhouse.

For those who haven't line danced before or haven't line danced for a while we have a Beginners' Class on Wednesday at 1.30pm where dances are taught at a slower place and we will usually practice the one dance until everyone has grasped it.

Our Classes on Monday 10.30am and Thursday 9am are general line dancing classes where we will have a walk through of each dance and then dance with the music.
If you haven't seen line dancing for sometime it has certainly changed over the years and now includes Waltzes, Latin American dances, Rock and Roll to name just a few.  
Come along and join us for a fun hour of dance, laughs and exercise and best of all .... it's free!!

Any queries call Sharyn Hogben at Villa 203.